School Training Solutions is in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL for the Florida Association for Pupil Transportation Summer Symposium.
School Training Solutions (STS) offers a comprehensive online school bus operator certification course organized to meet State of Florida mandated training requirements for school bus operators. The STS program is also designed to meet the professional development training needs of transportation specialists serving Florida school districts.
The STS Florida course, combined with a county’s behind-the-wheel training, exposes drivers to an ideal blended learning experience. The online course for bus drivers includes the full 20 hours of training mandated by the State of Florida’s Department of Education (DOE), broken down into 13 lessons plus an end-of-course test. If you have any questions about our training, would like to see a demonstration of our courses, or would like to meet with me to discuss training options, stop by the booth, give us a call, or visit our website for more information.
Posted in
Blog on June 27th, 2017.
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School Training Solutions (STS) has been the training partner of OAPT since 2005. We continue to be a proud supporter of OAPT and the training and education goals of OK school bus drivers across the state. Thank you for your continued patronage. Thank you also for visiting our booth at the 2017 OAPT Trade Show in Norman, OK!
Remember STS and OAPT to meet these training needs:
1. OK School Bus Driver Certification Training. Our online Oklahoma School Bus driver training is recognized by DOE as covering the classroom requirement for school bus drivers. This is an affordable, convenient, web-based option for training. This training is available for purchase through OAPT!
2. OK School Bus Driver Inservice Training. Our online Oklahoma School Bus driver curriculum can also be used for inservice training. A list of the accepted inservice training topics is available on the OKDOE Transportation webpage. Look for the Annual Inservice Verification Form and SDE Approved Subjects document. This web-based training is also available for purchase through OAPT!
3. OK School Bus Driver Re-Certification. After a period of inactivity, a school bus driver may be required to recertify by taking training on specific topics. OAPT offers an online version of this Re-certification training!
If you would like to find out more about the exciting online training options for Oklahoma school bus drivers, please contact us or OAPT directly. Thanks again for attending the Conference and Tradeshow!
Happy E-Learning!
Posted in
Blog on June 20th, 2017.
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STS Highlights: June 2017
Fun Facts About Fathers (Infographic)
Do you know when Father’s Day began or who started it? Did you know that the average father changes a baby diaper faster than the average mom or how about dads make their babies smarter? Checkout these fun facts in our infographic for Father’s Day!
Medical Emergency Awareness
This course discusses causes and symptoms of the following medical emergencies: anaphylaxis, choking, diabetic coma, seizures, and shock. It details appropriate first aid treatment.
Enroll Now!
8 Emergency Carry Techniques Video
View 8 emergency carrying techniques such as The Cradle, Piggyback, Fireman Carry and more!
Show Me!
Everyday Heroes Article
When many of us hear the word “hero” our mind immediately turns to fictional characters such as: Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. Most of us do not automatically think of school bus drivers.
Show Me!
Discounted Course:
Sharing the Road Bonus
This course discusses sharing the road and pedestrian traffic. Lesson one discusses procedures that should be followed in order to safely drive in various types of traffic.
Posted in
Blog on June 15th, 2017.
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No Joke. Free Time Management Online Course
April Fool’s is a recognized day of pranks and fun. No doubt you read questionable headlines and heard odd things. Did you prank someone? Did someone prank you?
One year, I filled a friend’s office with red balloons. The reaction was priceless, and the event has become legend around the building.
This year, in celebration of April Fool’s Day I am giving away the STS: Time Management course for free to individuals who email me using the link below, and tell me their best April Fool’s story or prank.
- Submissions are accepted April 4 ONLY.
- Login information is delivered via email so I need a valid name and email address.
- Access to STS: Time Management will begin on April 12.
Have a great day!
Posted in
Blog on April 4th, 2017.
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Hello WY Friends,
The WPTA Trade Show never disappoints!
Thank you for visiting our booth at the 2017 WPTA Trade Show in Casper, WY. I enjoyed seeing everyone again this year. This is what we talked about:
1. WY specific school bus driver training. Our Wyoming School Bus driver training is recognized by DOE as covering the classroom requirement for school bus drivers. It can be used each year for the 6 hour requirement.
2. Defensive Driving training. We offer a defensive driving curriculum that is intended for any driver operating a school owned vehicle (van, suburban, car). This training series includes the online courses: Driving, On the Road, Road Awareness, Safety, Sharing the Road, Traffic Lanes, Turning, and The Threat of Road Rage.
3. Custom Training Catalogs. We can put together a custom catalog built to your specifications so your employees get the right training. Courses can be pulled from our full transportation catalog or general topic courses like Sexual Harassment Awareness, Bloodborne Pathogens, Time Management, or Stress Management.
I would be happy to send any additional information. For those who have already requested information or preview access to courses, information is on the way.
Thanks again for visiting the booth!
Posted in
Blog on March 28th, 2017.
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