
STS Highlights November 2021

Posted in Blog on November 16th, 2021.

STS Highlights: November 2021

Holiday driving season is here. Thanksgiving is close and all the usual winter holidays are literally around the corner. With the pandemic keeping a lot of people home the last couple of years, it is safe to expect holiday travel congestion this year. Be careful during your adventures from Point A to Point B. This month’s resources are intentionally geared towards health and physical travel safety!

The goal with these monthly resources is always to help elevate your career, department, or organization. Please FORWARD this email to anyone who could benefit from the content. As always, we take pride in helping you meet your training requirements and goals.

Stay Healthy,

NAPT Online Certification Courses

NAPT Online Certification Courses

Advance your career with the only nationally recognized credential, created specifically for student transportation professionals.

  • Demonstrate your commitment to the requirements of your profession.
  • Prove your knowledge and professional competencies.
  • Distinguish yourself among the profession’s elite workforce.
  • Launch your student transportation career to the next level.
  • Show potential employers and current stakeholders you’re dedicated to doing the best possible job in the student transportation field.

NAPT Certifications

Online Courses

It's Flu Season!

It’s Flu Season!

The CDC’s recommendation for getting a flu vaccine for the 2021-22 flu season is: GET THE SHOT! Flu viruses are constantly changing so it’s not unusual for new ones to appear. A lot of research goes into each year’s vaccine. You should not wait for activity to be rising or high in your community to get a flu shot. The best way to reduce the risk of flu and its potentially serious complications is by getting vaccinated each year.

CDC Influenza Resources

Cleaning & Disinfecting a School Bus

Cleaning & Disinfecting a School Bus

One of the most effective strategies for slowing the spread of ANY illness is by implementing a consistent cleaning and disinfection protocol for your school bus fleet.

Download Infographic

Top 10 Driving Pet Peeves

Top 10 Driving Pet Peeves

What stresses you out when you are driving? We did some research and found the common driving behaviors that really drive people bonkers. If you do ANY of these, you should alter your driving habits.

Read Article

Better Stress Management

Better Stress Management

Understanding the effects of stress helps individuals recognize stress in themselves and others and respond better to stressful situations.

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