It’s no secret that training is necessary to keep skills sharp and knowledge current. The school bus industry has a stellar safety record for a reason. Even at the district level, it is possible to foster an ongoing environment of learning. It’s all about incentive.
Recently, Lincoln County School District #2 Transportation put in place a program that awards drivers who seek out continuing education. When criteria are met, these drivers receive a pay increase. The district benefits by having safer, more conscientious drivers, and decreased new driver training costs.
If you are interested in implementing a similar program in your county, STS is available to help in any way possible.
I’ve had varied success with setting a New Year’s Resolution. Years ago, I decided my resolution would be to run one 5K race each month for a year. I was successful that year, but that is not always the case. Many times, we set ourselves up for failure with our New Year’s Resolution. This year, instead of trying to lose 25 pounds by June, or go to the gym 6 days a week, my resolution is to simply exercise more. This year I found a great article that outlines tips for creating better resolutions. I’ve paraphrased below and linked to the full article here. Consider these tips as you work toward or modify your resolutions and goals for 2017.
Sexual Harassment Training: How to Eliminate Hostile Work Environments
by Brooke Neal
How often do you witness coworkers or other employees doing something unprofessional at work? Whether it’s gossiping, lying to customers or coworkers, dressing inappropriately, cutting corners, or even showing up late or leaving early, many employees are not sure what is acceptable in the workplace unless they are trained. The same principle applies to sexual harassment. Employees need sexual harassment training in order to identify questionable behavior and teach them what actions to take if they ever witness or are subjected to sexual harassment at work.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment
Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual
Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
Studies suggest anywhere between 50-70% of women and 10-20% of men have experienced sexual harassment at work.
Something that seems like harmless fun can quickly turn ugly and create a hostile work environment that leads to low employee morale, low productivity, and a destroyed public image.
Sexual harassment training is the best prevention tool for eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment training will help to:
Educate employees about actions that constitute harassment and discrimination
Send a strong message that sexual harassment will not be tolerated
Explain the importance of promptly reporting sexual harassment
Teach employees their role in fostering a no-tolerance workplace
Whether sexual harassment training is required in your state or not, it is important to take the step necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring in your workplace. In the long run it will prove beneficial as it will decrease a company’s chances of litigation and create a much more productive, enjoyable, and safe working environment.
Brooke Neal
Guest blogger
School Training Solutions
This course familiarizes employees with sexual harassment in the workplace. It discusses the legal definition of sexual harassment; recognition of, and understanding how to handle and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace; and the procedure for filing a sexual harassment complaint.
Everyone at School Training Solutions would like to wish all of our customers and friends a safe and happy holiday season. As schools across the country are releasing students for winter break, remember to always be aware of your surroundings while driving and safely share the road with pedestrians, cyclists, motorcycles, school buses, and other automobiles.
With the New Year fast approaching, remember to enjoy the season responsibly.
We look forward to an exciting 2016! If STS can help you, your department, your district, or your state meet training goals please let us know.
We would like to extend a heart-felt CONGRATULATIONS to Kathleen Callon and Patrick Daye who recently completed their NAPT Director Certifications. The Certification as a Director of Pupil Transportation is available to those individuals who are qualified to serve as the top administrator of a pupil transportation system. Certificate recipients demonstrate that they are capable of handling a position that involves establishing programs and policies, setting standards, developing materials, and providing leadership to achieve goals.
Both Kathleen and Patrick are poised to be leaders in their communities and in the pupil transportation industry. Congratulations!
NAPT offers a variety of industry certifications intended to enhance careers and spur industry growth. With many courses available online, YOU CAN START TODAY!