
Be Inspired at the 2015 NAPT Summit

Be Inspired at the 2015 NAPT Summit

Scott Burrows is living proof your life can change in an instant. By the age of 19, he was playing college football at Florida State University as a wide receiver and a top-ranked kick-boxing champion, with his last fight broadcast by ESPN.

On November 3, 1984, Scott’s life took a dramatic and irreversible turn. He was involved in a serious automobile accident that left him paralyzed from the chest down and diagnosed a quadriplegic.

Despite his grim diagnosis, Scott refused to be sidelined. He made the decision to take action, to focus on the positives of the experience as opposed to dwelling on the obvious and overwhelming negatives.

With the tremendous clarity provided by his singular focus, Scott resolved to thrive in his life by using three principles:

 •  Vision helped him see complete success in his mind’s eye first.
 •  Using Mindset, he let go of the past and focused 100% on what he could control.
 •  With Grit, he determined to take action and persevere until he succeeded.

Scott Burrows is one of many great speakers scheduled for this year’s NAPT Summit in Richmond, VA.

Will you be there?

NAPT Summit

The annual NAPT Conference and Trade Show is consistently recognized as the premier school transportation conference in the nation. Expect 6 keynote speakers, 15+ different in-depth, training classes, dozens of workshops, more than 120 vendors, and more than 1500 people. See the newest products and latest technology in pupil transportation!

Posted in Blog on September 23rd, 2015. No Comments.

Certification Possible with NAPT PDS Courses Online

Certification Possible with NAPT PDS Courses

Members of NAPT are eligible to take as many of the Professional Development Series (PDS) courses offered at the Summit as can fit into your schedule. Courses are free of charge as a member benefit!

The annual NAPT Conference and Trade Show is consistently recognized as the premier school transportation conference in the nation. Expect 6 keynote speakers, 15+ different in-depth, training classes, dozens of workshops, more than 120 vendors, and more than 1500 people. See the newest products and latest technology in pupil transportation!

Will you be there?

NAPT Summit

Select NAPT PDS courses are also available online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These courses are ready for immediate enrollment at the $40.00 member price!

Courses Available Online   

Posted in Blog on September 16th, 2015. No Comments.

Fixing The Certified School Bus Driver Drought

School Training Solutions is fortunate to get great guest bloggers. Today, Frank Smith with American Bus Sales, provides excellent insight into the school bus driver shortage that is being experienced across the country.


 How To Fix The Certified School Bus Driver Drought


School Bus Driver Drought
Copyright: leekris / 123RF Stock Photo

School is back in session across most of the nation, but that doesn’t mean school administrators are lacking fires to put out and problems to solve. Many schools are still struggling to find school bus drivers to adequately staff the number of routes they need to get students home in an efficient and safe manner.

Driver shortages fueled by a combination of factors including shrinking budgets and industry competition are causing many school districts to be forced to cut down on routes and services. This can lead to dangerous situations such as bus overcrowding and long trips in extreme weather.

In some regions, one of the biggest reasons for driver shortages is competition from the oil field and a lack of certified drivers to fill the needed positions. Districts with tight budgets have no means of competing against oil field transportation jobs that pay well and provide benefits. Even when they find applicants with a safe driving record and clean background check, the applicants often lack a CDL and other certifications needed to drive school vehicles.

The cost and time needed to train these drivers can make the prospect of hiring and properly training and certifying unlicensed applicants prohibitive for many schools, limiting their hiring options further.

School Bus Driver Drought
Copyright: kzenon / 123RF Stock Photo

Thankfully, some districts have found there is a cost effective, customized solution to get potential drivers thoroughly and properly trained without having to manage the steep costs of classroom training. While it still requires a significant time investment, online training such as the courses offered from School Training Solutions and Oklahoma Association for Pupil Transportation (OAPT) is flexible enough to help schools get trained and safe drivers behind the wheels helping children get to and from school without incident every day.

Rather than relying on a set schedule of lengthy classroom sessions to train drivers, online training allows potential school transportation employees to approach training on their own schedule. That means not only can schools use the program to expedite committed applicants to get them driving routes sooner rather than later, but those taking the programs will also receive more hands-on, active training than is typically found in a classroom setting.

Districts don’t have to wait for a large enough pool to form to necessitate classes to get drivers trained, and there’s no more traveling or trying to squeeze an extended class session into a busy schedule. The training is always available for people who have the time.

School Training Solutions works directly with states and school districts to provide a customized program that specifically meets the training needs of individual districts and their drivers, providing a more comprehensive and effective training solution so both districts and drivers are happier with the training process and results.

The comprehensive programs also help drivers learn to handle factors that lead to high turnover rates for districts, such as child behavior on the bus.

Dealing with rambunctious children on a daily basis can be highly stressful to drivers improperly trained to handle these situations. This can result in a high turnover rates and unsafe situations onboard. However, better training solutions can largely avoid these problems by providing drivers a lower stress environment and resolving behavioral problems before they lead to dangerous situations.

While online training can be highly effective for working to fill a driver shortage, it also has several benefits that will provide a safer and more reliable fleet all around. Buses live longer when driven by better trained operators, and School Training Solutions’ training is built to help drivers learn the best practices for extending a vehicle’s life.

While it is easy to forget the simple practices such as proper braking and thorough inspection processes when they aren’t reinforced, complete documentation and reporting can help administrators pinpoint drivers’ weaknesses and more effectively provide positive reinforcement to improve problem areas.

Online training from School Training Solutions is an effective solution for schools struggling to fill the routes needed to get children to and from school safely and efficiently. Its numerous benefits and flexible design also make it a valuable option for all districts needing to prepare new employees for duty or to help veteran employees brush up for recertification.

Thank you for the blog post, Frank!

Frank Smith can be reached at American Bus Sales.
America Bus Sales is always available to help you meet your transportation and fleet needs!

American Bus Sales


Posted in Blog on September 9th, 2015. No Comments.

Labor Day’s History

Dont Call Me Rosie
History of Labor Day

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. –

In the tradition of prosperity, take the extra time to grow professionally. Consider an online course!

Happy e-learning and enjoy the day.

Posted in Blog on September 7th, 2015. No Comments.

The Annual NAPT Summit is Happening Soon

Engage Explore Empower

ENGAGE. The entire 2015 program is dedicated to providing you with the information and tools necessary to maintain efficient and effective operations. Professional development is key to continued success, as is connecting with colleagues from across the country. NAPT’s Annual Summit is the premier place to find both.

EXPLORE. Take part in our One-Day Trade Show with more than 120 vendors providing the latest in products and services designed to help you perform your job better. Navigate your way through the show floor ready to create new business relationships, experience live demonstrations, and meet up with old friends.

EMPOWER. Take your career to the next level! You’ll head back to your organization with valuable information, new and enhanced professional connections, and tools and resources designed to ensure student safety, improve efficiency, and increase savings.

The annual NAPT Conference and Trade Show is consistently recognized as the premier school transportation conference in the nation. Expect 6 keynote speakers, 15+ different in-depth, training classes, dozens of workshops, more than 120 vendors, and more than 1500 people. See the newest products and latest technology in pupil transportation!

Will you be there?

NAPT Summit

Posted in Blog on September 2nd, 2015. No Comments.

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