
Thank You OAPT Members!

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STS Booth PicThank You

Thank you all for visiting our booth at the 2015 OAPT Trade Show in Norman, OK! These are our hottest topics:

1. OK School Bus Driver Certification Training. Our online Oklahoma School Bus driver training is recognized by DOE as covering the classroom requirement for school bus drivers. This is an affordable, convenient, web-based option for training. This training is available for purchase through OAPT!

2. OK School Bus Driver Inservice Training. Our online Oklahoma School Bus driver curriculum can also be used for inservice training. A list of the accepted inservice training topics is available on the OKDOE Transportation webpage. Look for the Annual Inservice Verification Form and SDE Approved Subjects document. This web-based training is also available for purchase through OAPT!

3. OK School Bus Driver Re-Certification. After a period of inactivity, a school bus driver may be required to recertify by taking training on specific topics. OAPT offers an online version of this Re-certification training!

If you would like to find out more about the exciting online training options for Oklahoma school bus drivers, please contact us or OAPT directly. Thanks again for attending the Conference and Tradeshow!

Happy E-Learning!

Posted in Blog on June 18th, 2015. No Comments.

Learn More about the Benefits of Online Training

Taking Care of BUSiness

Benefits of Online Training

School Training Solutions® (STS) represents a truly modern option for Florida school districts looking for the ideal way to implement bus driver certification training. Organized to meet State of Florida mandated classroom training requirements for school bus operators, STS offers an online course that is both user-friendly and is recognized by Florida Department of Education (DOE). This program enables bus drivers to mesh the convenience of online coursework with the county-provided, behind-the-wheel training mandated by the Florida DOE to create a truly effective, blended learning experience.

The 21st century has seen a steady increase in the number and variety of online training and education programs available to all ages, as well as the number of people taking advantage of these programs. The increase among postsecondary students, alone, is telling. According to a 2013 report issued by the Babson Survey Research Group, over 6.7 million students above the K-12 level were enrolled in at least one online class in 2011. Add in K-12 students and adult learners in various areas, and the total number soars into the tens of millions.

Many factors have contributed to this increase.

Whenever students of any age are asked what they like best about distance learning programs, the first answer is almost always the convenience of taking courses online. With access to a computer and an Internet connection, class is in session anywhere, anytime! It only takes a few minutes to turn on a computer, open the web browser, and access the courseware of choice. This eliminates the time and expense involved in traveling to and from a class location. The convenience of online classes also allows students the flexibility to mold their studies around job and family obligations, not to mention those unexpected occurrences that are part of life. Conventional classroom instruction takes place on a rigid time schedule. If you miss a class, you miss the material covered that day and it can be difficult to catch-up.

This flexibility factor is also perfect for blended learning situations as it enables students to arrange their online studies in such a way that they can easily meet any “hands-on” obligations that may be required in a training program.

As an added bonus, students also get to decide exactly when to start an online training program. Conventional classes have very rigid schedules regarding when they are offered. If a student can’t meet the specific schedule offered, he or she may have to wait months or even longer before the class is offered again. Online training is all about making courses available when and where it is most convenient for the student.

With online training, students also have the ability to set their own pace for covering material. Not everyone learns at the same speed, and it is important for each individual to feel comfortable with the amount of information being presented and absorbed in any given timeframe. In a classroom setting, material is delivered at one speed as determined by the instrucBenefitsof online training 15 tor. When students set their own pace with online training, information can be reviewed as many times as needed for full absorption.

Cost is also a factor. When someone signs up for an online training program, the up-front cost is all-inclusive. Conventional classroom instruction involves not only the cost of the class, but also books and other training materials, along with expenses involved in traveling to and from the class location. For organizations offering training programs, going the online route eliminates costs connected with items such as classroom space, instructor fees, course materials, and equipment.

Online training also provides students with instant feedback as they progress through a course. Through the use of embedded questions and end-of-lesson tests, students know right away if they have a grasp of the material being presented. Compare this to the time delay involved in waiting for tests or reports to be graded by an instructor.

Finally, online training enables students to control their “classroom environment.” Who hasn’t gone through the stress of a classroom setting filled with distractions of various kinds? These distractions – human or otherwise – can greatly curtail one’s capacity to learn. With online training, the reality of a stress-free environment is right at our fingertips!
There’s a growing body of statistics which indicate that online training has led to an increase in learning achievement and course completion. Is it any wonder?

Be sure to visit the School Training Solutions website at A division of Smart Horizons, STS offers a comprehensive range of online training organized to meet both state mandated in-service training requirements and the professional development training needs of all school district employees.

Posted in Blog on June 11th, 2015. No Comments.

Success Kid Strikes Again in Florida

Success Kid Strikes Again

Posted in Blog on June 4th, 2015. No Comments.

Steve Gilliland at OAPT Conference and Trade Show

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Steve Gilliland at OAPT Conference and Trade Show

Bestselling author and dynamic motivational speaker Steve Gilliland‘s philosophy centers on the simple premise that true success is not a thing you acquire or achieve. Rather, it is a journey you take throughout your life. He is one of the most in-demand and top-rated speakers in the world and was inducted into the National Speakers Association (NSA) Speaker Hall of Fame in 2012. This is an honor bestowed on fewer than 200 speakers worldwide since 1977.

Steve Gilliland is one of many featured speakers at the 2015 OAPT Conference and Trade Show. It is said that anyone who experiences his message leaves with a renewed since of enthusiasm!

Will you be there?

Posted in Blog on June 2nd, 2015. No Comments.

Gary Moore Facilitates a Live Action Event

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Gary Moore Facilitates a Live Action Event

Gary Moore is a twenty-nine year veteran of the Missouri Highway Patrol. Most of his work with the Highway Patrol was as a ‘road Trooper.’ During his tenure with the Highway Patrol, Mr. Moore served the State of Missouri on special assignment to the Governor’s Security Division and provided personal protection and security services to four different Missouri Governors and their families.

At this year’s conference, Gary will facilitate a live action workshop where attendees will literally sit in on the reconstruction of a nightmarish incident involving a school bus that captivated the nation for nearly a week. Afterward, you will be actively involved in debriefing the participants. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

Will you be there?

Posted in Blog on May 26th, 2015. No Comments.

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