
Happy Earth Day! Go Green; Go Online

Stop Child Abuse

Earth Day is an annual worldwide event devoted to spreading awareness of the importance of protecting our environment. Communities and individuals pledge to protect and save our Earth through various actions. On this day, some make it a point to not drive their vehicles in order to save the environment from the emission of harmful gases. Others pledge to recycle, conserve water and electricity, plant trees, or hold clean-up days.

Did you know that online training can also help you save?

With online training, not only do you save time and money, documentation and reports are readily available, thus reducing the amount of paperwork. Also, there is no travel required for online training.

Go green, and go online to explore our many training options.

Posted in Blog on April 22nd, 2014. No Comments.

Child Abuse: How it Happens, How it Looks, & How to Report It

Child Abuse: How it Happens, How it Looks, & How to Report It

Child abuse is a national epidemic that affects all socioeconomic, ethnic, cultural, religious, and educational backgrounds. By working together as a community, we all can play a part in promoting children’s emotional and social well-being. Learning to recognize the warning signs and reporting any suspected abuse can help to create a positive change in today’s society.

In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month, we have created an infographic detailing the types and frequency of child abuse, warning signs to watch for, and how to report it. Please feel free to share this infographic with anyone who can benefit from its valuable contents.

View Infographic »


Discounted Course:

For the entire month of April our online course STS: Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse is available for only $10.00 per person. In addition, we are periodically going to send out free information and prevention tips. We encourage everyone to share this email with anyone who works with or around children and could benefit from this valuable online training.

Title: STS: Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse

Description: This course discusses the different types of child abuse, indicators of abuse, key factors of reporting abuse, and actions to take with a child is abuse is suspected or reported.

RECALL different types of abuse.
RECALL indicators of abuse.
RECALL key factors of reporting abuse.
RECALL actions to take with a child if abuse is suspected or reported.

Duration: 1 Hour

Learn to Identify Abuse

Posted in Blog on April 10th, 2014. No Comments.

We are in Wyoming!


Visit us at the 2014 WPTA Trade Show.

Posted in Blog on April 8th, 2014. No Comments.

School districts in Missouri are discovering the benefits of online training. Will your district be next?

Independence School District joined the School Training Solutions online training community in August 2013 and has expanded use of the program. “We chose School Training Solutions because it really goes in depth with the training, and the testing is a great way to find out what the bus drivers know,” stated Bruce Maples, Supervisor of Safety and Discipline for Independence School District. He also considers the interactive aspect of online training a plus, as drivers are not just listening to a lecture, but are participating in the learning experience.

School Training Solutions can help your school district or transportation department take employee training to the next level by incorporating an online training component to your existing training program. Consider the benefits of online training.

Let us know how we can help!

Posted in Blog on April 8th, 2014. No Comments.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Stop Child Abuse

National Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect, and to promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families. During the month of April and throughout the year, communities are encouraged to share child abuse and neglect prevention awareness strategies and activities and promote prevention across the country.

Visit for more information about National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Discounted Course:

For the entire month of April our online course STS: Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse is available for only $10.00 per person. In addition, we are periodically going to send out free information and prevention tips. We encourage everyone to share this email with anyone who works with or around children and could benefit from this valuable online training.

Title: STS: Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse

Description: This course discusses the different types of child abuse, indicators of abuse, key factors of reporting abuse, and actions to take with a child is abuse is suspected or reported.

RECALL different types of abuse.
RECALL indicators of abuse.
RECALL key factors of reporting abuse.
RECALL actions to take with a child if abuse is suspected or reported.

Duration: 1 Hour

Learn to Identify Abuse

Posted in Blog on April 3rd, 2014. No Comments.

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