
Video Blog – Sharing the Road UPDATES

Sharing the Road UPDATES and Cycling News & Tips

Sharing the Road UPDATES and Cycling news – Transcript:

Hello everyone!

First I want to say Thank you to everyone who supported us (Team Sharing the Road) while we were on the road in New Orleans, participating in the Ironman 70.3 event.

The School Training Solutions, Sharing the Road campaign is going strong.

We’ve added more events this month and extended the discount for the Sharing the Road online course. This course will be available, with the discount, until the end of May.

Our “Threat of Road Rage” online course will be available at a discount for the month of June. A third online course will be available for July.

There is a lot of “Cycling News” this week:

May is National Bike Month. This is sponsored by the League of American Bicycles and includes a lot of cycling activities, including a “Biking to Work” initiative.

May 1 – September 30 marks the 2013 National Bike Challenge. The Challenge is an exciting health and wellness initiative that encourages people to bike for transportation and recreation.

If you are interested in participating in any National Bike Month activities, I’ve included links to sponsor websites in the body of this post.

I am planning to bike to work during the Month of May.

A lot of people think that commuting to work on a bike takes too much time.

As a rule of thumb, commuting to work via cycling will take about twice as long as driving. However, trips less than 3 miles are often faster by bike, and those 5 to 7 miles long take about the same time, as driving.

Just something to think about.

Thank you for watching and reading. If you would like to follow our Sharing the Road campaign or access one of the online courses we are offering, visit:

Remember while driving be aware of your surrounds and continue sharing the road with pedestrians, cyclists, motorcycles, school buses, and other vehicles.

Posted in Sharing the Road, Video Blog on April 26th, 2013. No Comments.

Sharing the Road – GCI Relay Photos

Team Sharing the Road – GCI Relay Photo Album


As promised the full Sharing the Road photo album is up. I wanted to publish our full album from the 2013 Gulf Coast Interstate (GCI) Relay before our next event in New Orleans, LA on Sunday.

I will be blogging about the 2013 Ochsner Ironman 70.3 New Orleans Triathlon on April 21st. During this event, participants will be Sharing the Road along Highways 47, 90, and 11, and running through New Orleans to finish in the French Quarter’s Armstrong Park. School Training Solutions (STS) is offering our defensive driving course “Sharing the Road” for $20.00 April 18th through April 23rd the with the promo code: SHARING.

Our Sharing the Road campaign is a chance to start a conversation and improve road safety. Get involved on our Facebook, Twitter, or Linked-In pages or email me.

Thank you for reading/watching and continue safely Sharing the Road!

Posted in Sharing the Road on April 18th, 2013. No Comments.

Photos of Team STS during the 2013 GCI Relay

I got some preliminary photos prepped for the website. I will post a full album later. Thanks for reading! Continue SHARING THE ROAD!


Posted in Sharing the Road on April 16th, 2013. No Comments.

Help Us Encourage Road Safety

The “Sharing the Road” campaign was created to encourage road safety.

I want to take a moment to say, “Thank you!”

Thank you to everyone who supported us during our first event. Thank you to everyone who signed up for the discounted Sharing the Road online training course. We will continue blogging about events and what we experience while sharing the road with motor vehicles. We will continue offering discounts on our defensive driving courses as we participate in cycling, running, and triathlon events this spring and summer. I will also periodically offer video tips for Sharing the Road with pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, school buses, and other motor vehicles. Our Sharing the Road campaign is a chance to start a conversation and improve road safety. Get involved on our Facebook, Twitter, or Linked-In pages or email me.

When sharing the road and encouraging road safely, slow down and give a person room. Always obey the traffic laws and signals.

Thank you for reading/watching and continue safely Sharing the Road!

Posted in Sharing the Road on April 15th, 2013. No Comments.

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